The EpicQuest television series is a character and location driven docudrama anchored by the adventure travel company EpicQuest. The story driven series will follow the guides, athletes and operational heads of the company as they work their way through a season of guiding, hosting and fulfilling the lifelong dreams of clients. Coming this fall to Outside Television.
EpicQuest Trailer
The EpicQuest television series is a character and location driven docudrama anchored by the adventure travel company EpicQuest. The story driven series will follow the guides, athletes and operational heads of the company as they work their way through a season of guiding, hosting and fulfilling the lifelong dreams of clients. Coming this fall to Outside Television.
2013 EQ Promotional Video
EpicQuest is company dedicated to the pursuit of living life to the fullest. We specialize in bringing together the most exclusive and unique destinations on the planet, along with extraordinary adventure and the world’s most experienced guides to take you there.